Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to Save Water

Learning about how to save water could come in handy because the City of Bellingham will be installing water meters in the Whatcom Falls Neighborhood throughout 2013 and 2014. This means that water bill amounts will be based on water consumption. Use less – pay less!

For starters, you can estimate how much water you are currently using by checking out the City of Bellingham’s Residential Water Consumption Calculator.

Once water bills are switched to metered rates, you can decide whether or not you want to lower your bill. If it is higher than you’d like, here are some helpful tips and informative sites for saving water:

  • Replace water-guzzling fixtures with fixtures with the WaterSense label on them
  • Purchase water-related appliances that have earned the ENERGY STAR rating
  • Repair leaky pipes, toilets, and faucets

***Note: the City of Bellingham provides free Water Conservation Kits, obtainable from the Finance Department in City Hall at 210 Lottie Street.

Another resource is a Water Conservation Checklist. This will help you see how efficiently you are using water, and help you with ways to save.

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