Monday, November 11, 2013

Whatcom Falls Neighborhood Association Meeting

The Whatcom Falls NeighborhoodAssociation (WFNA) is scheduled to have a meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013.  The meeting will take place in the Moles Funeral Home meeting room from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

            The meeting will be completely devoted to a presentation by the City of Bellingham Public Works Department on the plans for water meter installation in the Whatcom Falls Neighborhood.

            Every address in the neighborhood received a notice by mail, informing them of the topic of the meeting. “Hopefully it will be well attended,” said Richard Sawyer, an alternate representative of the Mayor’s Neighborhood Association Commission for Whatcom Falls Neighborhood.

            The Public Works Department will be talking about how water meters will start to be installed in Whatcom Falls Neighborhood at the end of this year, and continue into 2014. This means that starting in January 2015, residents will no longer have a flat rate payment for their water bills. Instead, they will be paying for the amount of water they use.

            The WFNA meetings are on the second Tuesday of every month, and are open to the public. They alternate between general meetings and board meetings. There are no membership dues. 

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