Monday, December 2, 2013

Bellingham Hatchery Continues Production

Although there were reductions in state funding for the Bellingham Hatchery in Whatcom Falls Park, local funding has helped keep the hatchery producing a consistent number of fish in recent years, according to Kevin Clark, who has been managing the hatchery since 2005.
            The Bellingham Hatchery has seen an increase in local funding in wake of budget reductions for state funded facilities, according to Clark.
            “Citizens are getting together to supplement the state funds, because there is still a large fishing community that wants to see us stick around,” said Clark.
            According to Clark, the Wildcat Steelhead Club and the Northwest Washington Steelheaders Club are examples of clubs in the area that contribute to the local funding.
            Don Collen, president of the Wildcat Steelhead Club says they donate about $10,000 to $15,000 a year to various hatcheries that promote conservation, Bellingham Hatchery being one of them. “Any of the money that comes out of our funds has to go to game and fish conservation,” he said.
            Clubs like the Wildcat Steelhead Club understand the importance of what the hatchery does. “If we don’t have hatcheries, we won’t have fish. Eventually all the fishing would go downhill,” said Collen.
As a result of reduced state general funds, the hatchery relies on the local funding and the state’s wildlife fund. People who purchase fishing licenses are putting money into the wildlife fund, which becomes part of the state funding for facilities like the Bellingham Hatchery, according to Clark.
The Bellingham Hatchery raises rainbow trout to supplement recreational purposes.
Currently, there are around 50,000 small trout in the ponds at the Bellingham Hatchery that are growing to size. This number is consistent with numbers from the past few years, according to Clark. The amount of fish being raised at the hatchery is about 60 percent of what the hatchery produced before reductions in state funding.
            The Bellingham Hatchery is a satellite facility of the Whatcom Creek Hatchery in Maritime Heritage Park in Bellingham, Wash. Clark manages it in partnership with Earl Steele, the Fisheries Technology Instructor at Bellingham Technical College.
            The hatchery receives the trout as eyed eggs in boxes in December. The eggs are then incubated until they hatch. The recently hatched fish are kept in a fish trough, and are then transferred to the round ponds to grow to size. The trout are released about a year and a half after the hatchery receives the eggs, Clark said.
            According to Clark, the hatchery is responsible for providing rainbow trout for about 16 lakes in Skagit County and Whatcom Island area. The designated lakes are big enough to sustain hatchery fish, and already contain primarily rainbow trout.
The hatchery is operated by the Fisheries and Aquaculture program at the Bellingham Technical College, according to Steele. “Everything is done by students. It’s hands on training,” he said.
Regarding the future of the hatchery, Clark said, “I see it changing. I’d say it’s good, but different. We may be changing how we go about things. The days of just stocking tons of fish are over because of negative effects on native fish.” Clark explains that the hatchery will aim to limit negative effects on native fish by supplementing recreational fishing responsibly.
“It is important that we preserve native species. The hatchery fish are genetically similar, and behaviorally different from native fish,” Clark said.
Clark said that it is difficult to make progress with conservation when the people in government positions are thinking short-term goals, because they want to get things done while they are in office. “Protecting and conserving native species takes a long time,” he said.
With the help of local funding, the Bellingham Hatchery can continue to raise and release trout, and work towards more responsible releases. “As the environment gets worse, the more people will need artificial fish,” said Clark.

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